Occupational Therapy Schools in Florida Provide More Than Just an Outstanding Education

When deciding on where to attend an occupational therapy school in Florida, you’ve got a lot to consider. Besides the opportunity to graduate with a desirable degree in a growing profession, it’s also nice to have a beautiful environment where you can spend your college years. The weather in Florida, as well as access to warm, crystal clear ocean water, may help sway you when you are considering occupational therapy schools in Florida.

Options to Consider for Occupational Therapy Schools in Florida

There is a reason the population of Florida is growing every year and drawing people from all over the country. When choosing a state for studies in occupational therapy, consider the environment that nurtures you throughout your time there. Besides the obvious beauty of the coastline and the sunny weather, the cost of living is another important consideration that puts Florida at the top of the list when looking for occupational therapy schools. Florida has a lower cost of living when compared to other east coast states and that can mean the difference between affording school, or not, in these hard times.

Get an Exceptional Education in Occupational Therapy in Florida

Florida offers some of the best learning experiences in the country in the field of occupational therapy. There is a diversity of schools to choose from, including large city experiences in Miami to smaller coastal cities like Jacksonville. Some of the more expensive colleges offer the lowest student to teacher ratio, with the University of Miami coming in at a ratio of only 11/1. But Southeast College West Palm Beach is less expensive and has a ratio of 9/1. It’s located in West Palm Beach. Though, Miami offers an added benefit of one of the most diverse cities in the country and great food from cultures around the world.

Whatever Your Priorities, There is an Occupational Therapy School in Florida for You.

With so many schools to choose from, you can find the perfect occupational therapy school for your needs. Whether you are looking for a masters or a doctoral program, there are a number of great schools to choose from. Most offer more than one degree program in occupational therapy. Here is a short list of a few of the schools in Florida that offer occupational therapy, to help you get started on your research.

  • Barry University. Barry University
  • Daytona State University
  • Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
  • Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Florida International University
  • Florida State College at Jacksonville
  • Nova Southeastern University
  • Polk State College

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